Komenského 4/4, Klatovy (CZ)
Second vol. of the exhibitional project
4 windows - like a vertical framed surfaces which in direct way separate private and public space. Nevertheless thank to reflect at their circumferences device to diffusion of these two worlds. They offer a view inwards and outwards. We interrupt the bidirectional view and propose an another artificial view, which should to distract everyday thoughts and open new communication.
The Funeral
June 11th – June 18th 2010 ♥ video
Pictorial mourning cards about a love, trust, belif and liberty expiration. Last farewell takes part on Friday June 11th at 6 p.m. in park behind Economical High school.
Practical joke meeting and talk about how do we care about these worths and how do we participate at their death, in the case that they aren´t among us. Transformation of abstract worths to concrete symbols love-heart, trust-ribbon, belif-spacecraft, liberty-wings demonstrates humans strong will to communnicate. So why does he don´t use the same power to save them? He let them to grind in negative globalization consequences, he forgot about them and now he regrets, by the cross after funeral.
Menu: vodka, speck
The Punctuation
June 18th – June 25th 2010
Sam has moved since last week from the pictorial mourning cards to the board of minimal and conceptual art.
A few stops signify in text a latitude for imagining, it is point of interconnection, when the creator´s activity is transferred to the production consumer. In this moment arises live mutuality, which can be temporary only or permanent or it can causes a new another mutuality, where is possible to persist in.
Similar strongly associative influence have also particular black circles free of literary connotaions. The black closed into circle touch by force of all containing colors and evokes subconscious experience with every black closed into circle we have ever met in form of eyes, water wells and another kind of holes full of action.
Let´ s put up with full responibility for nowdays and dust up consciousness about real virtue of individual.
Ballpoint on canvas
June 25th – July 2nd 2010 ♥ video
We can label the set of pictures Ballpoint on canvas like conceptual. It concerns choice and translation of automatic drawing made by call to large format. Automatic drawing conceived like secondary output of the call. By the say about purposeless transformation comes to concentrated inspection of the own unconscious act.We can describe this process like irrationality detection, when we sometring very natural tranform to artificial shape which generates new meaning.
Ballpoint on canvas belongs in context of Sams work among apparently to visual token free of socially engaged allusions. There is interesting in this case to see the influence of form to recipients attitudes.
That went wrong a bit
July 2nd – July 9th 2010 ♥ video
The final exhibition reflects theme of miscue addition and humans attitude to that. A bit longer and other way round hanged curtains illustrate the sentece That went wrong a bit. There is evident at the first glance that two subtle mistakes move the logic of the matter so much, that entire nonsense follows on. The curtains are soft ironic comment of vague sufferance against whatever, which is specific for Czech area. This critique is also actual for language structure, which apriori contains mistakes excuse and thanks to this contributes to their norm fusion.
Temporary sculpture in public space in the form of put curtains out of windows appeals to awareness our participation in reality formation and mistakes influence we assimilated without revision.