I don't know, how this turns out
Collective exhibition in Česká Bříza. Metting of artists who exhibited in sam83 gallery in past years.
Opening: 3. 9. 2016 at ten years gallery anniversary.
Performers will introduce their show free after opening...
By the opening there will be book about sam83 launched.
Opening: 3. 9. 2016 at ten years gallery anniversary.
Every participant arrive on September 3rd between 10am and 4pm and place his work in the gallery or in gardens…
Performers will introduce their show free after opening...
Every participant arrive on September 3rd between 10am and 4pm and place his work in the gallery or in gardens…Performers will introduce their show free after opening...
By the opening there will be book about sam83 launched.
Looking forward to see you!
Sráč Sam
Practical notes:
1) According to technical conditions we don’t accept videos, just ‘videogreetings’ or you can take your own projection equipment with.
2) For artists who lives abroad, have a long way to Česká Bříza or cannot to take part personally there is possibility that we can exhibit a work which is in gallery deposit from previous years. We will do it just in unavoidable situation.
3) There is possibility to sleep in the house, residential flat, in gallery, on the garden and it is possible to provide accommodation in pension in Česká Bříza.
4) Food is ensured as usually.
5) Deadline for videogreetings September 15th 2016Don't hesitate to ask for more.
See you in September!!!
Confirmed Artists:
Sláva Sobotovičová Kristina Láníková Ondřej Vinš Martin Froulík Ondřej Vavrečka Tea Záchová Sandra Svobodová Dana Balážová Šimon Kadlčák Olga Krykun Ondřej Maleček Juliana Höschlová Lucie Mičíková |
Anežka Hošková |
Veronika Dolanská |
Lukáš Kubec |
Confirmed videogreetings:
Dan Vlček
Markéta Váradiová
Michal Slejška
Darina Alster
Martin Blažíček
Valentina Furian
Blanka Jakubčíková
Magda Korsinsky
Edgar Schwarz
Markéta Váradiová
Michal Slejška
Darina Alster
Martin Blažíček
Valentina Furian
Blanka Jakubčíková
Magda Korsinsky
Edgar Schwarz
Ewelina Chiu
Bronislava Šnajdrová
Marie Ladrová
Text contributors, who confirmed to participate:
František Fekete
Jiří Ptáček
Petr Brožka
Denisa Bytelová
Jiří Hůla
Tea Záchová