Začínáš, děvenko, smrdět




S ničím netradičním nepočítejte



Sráč Sam: Rozdíl v otázce
od: 27. 10. 2017
do: 25. 2. 2018
Colloredo-Mansfeldský palác, 3. patro
út-ne 10.00–18.00
Denisa Bytelová


Zlomená noha je zastaralý  úraz

Eliška Raiterová / Poláci nám ukázali,
jak se zneužívá moc
Dário Sztajnszrajber / Je vše obal?
Je vše obsah? ze španělštiny přeložil Aleš Hurdálek
Lena / Gustav Deutsch v bodu nula
Anežka Jaskmanická / Teapot
Babrdón / Neznáme pravdu


Sráč Sam: Rozdíl v otázce
od: 27. 10. 2017
do: 25. 2. 2018
Colloredo-Mansfeldský palác, 3. patro
út-ne 10.00–18.00
Denisa Bytelová



Sráč Sam: Rozdíl v otázce

GHMP 27. 10. 2017 - 25. 2. 2018
Colloredo-Mansfeldský palác, 3. patro
út-ne 10.00–18.00
kurátorka: Denisa Bytelová

Galerie hlavního města Prahy představuje práce české umělkyně užívající provokativní pseudonym Sráč Sam. Její tvorba je založena na aktivní kritice nefunkčních/neproduktivních institucionálních rámců a nabývá rozmanitých podob od architektonických realizací přes objektovou, textilní, malířskou či filmovou tvorbu po sociálně angažované performativní projekty.

Vyšlo PIŽMO 32! Radujme se.


11 basni Elsy Aids Odpad vychází
v PIŽMU č. 30 jako plakát
v grafické úpravě Sráče Sama

Potenciální hudba - Jan Klamm / Fotografie -
Martin Netočný a Oskar Helcel / Damián
Tabarovsky v překladu Aleše Hurdálka
Babrdón - Obava z překvapení - Sráč Sam
Plakát - Elsa Aids - Odpad


Individuální rezidenční pobyty
na rok 2017 zde >>>

Otevřená výzva nového projektu
na rok 2017 zde >>>



aradecor 1966 > 2016

vernisáž výstavy > 3. 11. 2016 v 17 h
výstava  > 4. 11. 2016 - 9. 1. 2017
kurátor: Sam

Milada Hynková, František Šlegl,
Miroslav Houra, Richard Fremund,
Josef Liesler, Jindra Husáriková,
Jaroslav Pešek,
Johana Černá, František Fekete,
Anežka Hošková, Lívia Mezovská,
Daniel Vlček, SR S, Václav Sika,
Michael Rittstein, Jiří Surůvka

Sál Muzea Příhraničí Kdyně
Nádražní 314, Kdyně



Nevím, jak tohle dopadne

Společná výstava v České Bříze.
Setkání umělců, kteří v galerii sam83
vystavovali v předchozích letech.

...právě teď...


Lucie Mičíková

AiC heARTbreaker 2016
Rezidenční pobyt k výstavě


Vyšlo PIŽMO 25! Radujme se.


AiC heARTbreaker 2016
navazující rezidenční pobyt

Kristina Láníková


AiC heARTbreaker 2016
navazující rezidenční pobyt

Anežka Hošková




za podporu a spolupráci všem
kámošům, umělcům, rezidentům

i jejich zvířatům
>>> více


AiC heARTbreaker 2015
Zimní rezidenční pobyt začíná 30/11

Kristina Láníková





AiC heARTbreaker 2015
Podzimní rezidenční pobyt od 24/9

Tea Záchová


Doprovodná výstava

Externí prostor galerie Sam83
Václav Sika
Kurátor: František Fekete

Za interpretační metodu volí její absenci, tedy, ponechává objekty tím, čím jsou, nepojmenovává ani nepřiděluje významy. Pouze je nabarví a některé slepí dohromady. Úlomky jsou pro něj abstraktní činitelé, kouzelné svou nahodilostí.

František Fekete



Petr Švolba
Sandra Svobodová
Dana Balážová
Šimon Kadlčák
Marie Ladrová
Ondřej Vavrečka
Martin Froulík
Jiří Surůvka
Světlana Spirina
Clara Cebrian Monereo
Olga Krykun
Ewelina Chiu
Anežka Hošková
Dan Vlček
Darina Alster
František Fekete









Galerie Ferdinanda Baumanna
pořádá 5. ročník Festivalu















Termín konání: 22.–23. 5. 2015 v Praze
a 23.–25. 10. 2015 ve Stockholm

Vladimír Turner
Denisa Šváchová a Filip Kartousek
Johana Střížková a Juliana Hoschlová
Barbora Šimková a Smyslov
Lenka Klodová
Jiří Surůvka
Veronika Slámová
Elis Unique
Karima Al-Mukhtarová
Kateřina Olivová, Alois a Lev Stratil
Lady Gaby
Antonín Brinda
Jana Orlová
Tomáš Ruller a Atelier Peformance FAVUT
Milan Kohout
František Kowolowski
David Helán
Alexandr Peroutka
Erik Wijkström, Nongkran Panmongkol, Henrik Ekesiöö
Bazel DJ

Kurátory letošního ročníku jsou Darina Alster a Lexa Peroutka. Kurátorky doprovodné výstavy věnované im memoriam Milanu Kozelkovi jsou Sráč Sam, Lena Zikmundová a Denisa Bytelová. Dramaturgem hudební části festivalu je Daniel Vlček.




AiC Štefle | Artists in Cottage 2015 / Aradecor
AiC Štefle |
Artists in Cottage 2015
AiC Česká Bříza |
heARTbreaker 2015
AiC Česká Bříza |
heARTbreaker 2015/ll


Petr Halámka


Z cyklu Zátiší v zahradě
fotografie, středoformát




Co by měl SKUTEK znamenat v roce 2015? Návrhy a podněty programových priorit Spolku pro období roku 2015 zasílejte na adresu: spolekskutek@gmail.com




Těšte se na přílohu


Orientační základny

Šestý ročník bytového projektu 4 OKNA 
je zaměřený na archivy a databáze.


Příště představujeme:


VVP AVU je centrem základního vědeckého výzkumu, zpracování pramenné dokumentace, kritického zhodnocení 
a reinterpretace českého výtvarného umění po roce 1945 až do současnosti, se zaměřením na interdisciplinární přesahy.


Ondřej Vinš

Kompozice č.1, 2014




A2 kulturní čtrnáctideník
pořádá: 8. 11. 2014


Letní rezidenční pobyt

Anežka Hošková / Blanka Jakubčíková / Franco Augusto


Jarní rezidenční pobyt

Birutė Kapustinskaitė / Tomas Smulkis / Valentina Furian / Valentina Lacinio / Anna Roberta Vattes / František Fekete / Veronika Slámová / Maciej Rawluk

Tomas Smulkis / Paradise Road









New Project / Artist in Cottage / Javor 2017

AiC Javor - A new place for teamwork 
Want to Join / Feel free to contact us directly via email at galerie@sam83.cz

more info

more info


AiC Česká Bříza heARTbreaker

| Artists in Cottage 2016 | finished

Josef Málek a Eva Pacalová | Fanzine | video
Martin Froulík | Collage | video
Kristina Láníková | video

AiC Štefle 2015

AiC Štefle | Artists in Cottage 2015 | finished

Artists in Cottage | June 2015 |

June 23rd - 30th 2015
Lonely house Chodska Lhota-Na Steflich (CZ)

Sam83 Gallery announces Open Call for 2015 residency. The project is open to visual artists, writers, music composers and art theorists. There are openings for 8 till 10 participants. The selection criteria is open and each project can potentially continue in the future. There is no requirement to finish work during residency. The host organization provides food and accommodation. With residency a collective exhibition in Spillar Brother's Gallery next year is included. Artists pay only their personal expenses, traveling costs and a food contribution.

Application form: doc pdf
Application form
send to: galerie@sam83.cz

Deadline: April 15th
Results: April 25th
Your application is binding, if you were selected.
Next information to selected artists after April 26th

AiC Štefle | Artists in Cottage 2015 | Aradecor

AiC Štefle | Artists in Cottage 2015 | Aradecor

Artists in Cottage | June 2015 |

June 21st- 25th 2015
Summer residency / Tapestry / Kdyně (CZ)

Sam83 gallery announces Open Call for 2015 residency. A 5 day residency is offered to 4 artists interested in tapestry production. Participants will be able to practice the technique Aradecor in a 4 day workshop directed by Milada Hynková. During the residency each participant will create 2 tapestries, which will be exhibited at Spillar Brother's Gallery in Domažlice. Also, the host organisation retains the right to keep 1 tapestry from each resident for its own collection. Accomodation and food is provided for the entire stay in Štefle, next to Kdyně. Residents will only have to pay for personal expenses, travel and a food contribution (see application form).

Application form: doc pdf
Application form
send to: galerie@sam83.cz

Deadline: April 15th
Results: April 25th
Your application is binding, if you were selected.
Next information to selected artists after April 26th

Spring residency - Artists in Cottage 2015

AiC Česká Bříza | heARTbreaker 2015 | info video AiC-1 AiC-2 AiC-3

Artists in Cottage | May 2015 |

Spring residency for artists and theorists
Since May 15nd - Till May 19th 2015

Sam83 Gallery has open call for projects throughout the year. Artists, writers, composers and art theorists are all encouraged to apply by sending an application form along with a specific project description. The length of stay offered is usually five days, agreed upon in advance. In the spring of 2015 stay is offered to those presenting in the exhibition at the Špillar Brothers Gallery in Domažlice. The local chapel can be used for realization and/or presentation of projects.  
A stay at the HeARTbreaker residence offers an efficient platform for the contemporary artist, who's work originates in the activities of the Sam83 Gallery and Culture83. It offers a calm environment, enabling artists to concentrate on their work in close proximity to nature. Placing electronic portfolio on the Sam83 Gallery website is also included.

Application Requirements:

- Completed application form

- CV
- portfolio

Application form - AiC heartbreaker residency83: doc pdf
Projects and CV should be sent by April 15th 2015 to: galerie@sam83.cz

The residence is located on the first floor of the HeARTbreaker building. Facilities include a kitchenette replete with eating utensils, a cooker, a kettle and a fridge. A bathroom with a sink, shower and toilet. Two residents can stay+ extra bed. Furthermore--Wi-fi, an option of having breakfast or catering
The house is cleaned once a week-- towels are changed, etc. The whole flat is non-smoking!

Spring residency - Artists in Cottage

AiC Česká Bříza | heARTbreaker 2014 | Finished

Artists in Cottage | May 2014 |

Spring residency for artists and theorists
Since May 15nd - Till May 19th 2014

Sam83 gallery and culture83 put forward open calls for projects throughout the year. Artists, writers, composers and art theorists are all invited to send their application form along with their project. The length of stay offered is usually five days, agreed upon in advance. In the spring of 2014 stay is offered to those presenting in the exhibition of the Špillar Brothers Gallery in Domažlice. The local chapel can be used for the realization or presentation of projects.
A stay at the HeARTbreaker residence offers an efficient platform for the contemporary art originating in the activities of the Sam83 gallery and culture83 and offers a calm environment; enabling artists to concentrate on their work in close proximity to nature. This includes placing an electronic portfolio on the Sam83 gallery website.

Conditions for applying:

- Completed application form
- CV
- portfolio

Application form - AiC heartbreaker residency83: doc pdf
Projects and CV should be sent by 15 April 2014 to: galerie@sam83.cz

The residence is located on the first floor of the HeARTbreaker building. Facilities include a kitchenette replete with eating utensils, a cooker, a kettle and a fridge. A bathroom with a sink, shower and toilet. Two residents can stay+ extra bed. Furthermore--Wi-fi, an option of having breakfast or catering
The house is cleaned once a week-- towels are changed, etc. The whole flat is non-smoking!

AiC Česká Bříza | heARTbreaker 2013 | Finished

Artists in Cottage | November 2013 | František Fekete

AiC Štefle 2012

Finished AiC Štefle
Artists in Cottage

June 17th - 27th 2012
Lonely house Chodska Lhota-Na Steflich (CZ)

Tendays residential stay is prepared for 8 till 10 artists or theorists mostly based in visual art. The main criteria in selection of projects is open and processuality of the project. There is no request to end work during residency. Host organization ensures food and accommodation. With residency there is connected an exhibition next year. Artist pays only his own expenses, traveling costs and food contribution.
Application form
doc pdf, send to: info@culture83.org
Deadline May 10th 2012.

AiC Workshop Kdyně 2012

Finished AiC workshop Kdyně 2012
Artists in Cottage

June 17th- 21th 2012
Summer residency / Tapestry / Kdyně (CZ)

Four-days residency is prepared for 4 or 5 artists who are interested in tapestry production. Particiapnts can try in workshop of Milada Hynková during tree days textile technique of aradecor. Accommodation and food is ensured in Štefle next to Kdyně, where takes place paralel residency. There is also connected the exhibition in Muzeum Prihranici in Kdyne and in Kdyne and in Spillar Brother´s Gallery in Domazlice. Artist pays only his own expenses, traveling costs and food contribution (in application form). During residency there will be created two pieces of tapestry. Host organization has a right to choose one of them for Sam83 gallery archives. Food and accommodation covers Sam83 and culture83 and material covers Kdyně town.
Application form
doc pdf, send to: info@culture83.org
Deadline May 10th 2012.

AiC 2011 Ondřejovice

AiC 2011 - summer residency - Ondrejovice Past
Artists in Cottage

June 19th - 29th 2011
Village - Bohemia forest - Ondrejovice (CZ)

A few kilometres behind Klatovy town (Pilsen Region, Bohemian Forest) took place Vol 2nd of official artist meeting. The Summer Residency belogs in Sam83 gallery among the most important. It is based on Vision for new culture and it´s palce principles. There has temporary social twelve-members group during ten days arisen, what was a main point of residency next to individual projects of residents.

Residents: Małgorzata Łojko, Magda Gromadzka, Emilie S, Milan Kozelka, Jiří Surůvka, Zinda, Petra, Václav Sika, ad.

AIR 2010 Štefle I. a II. Phase

AIR 2010_culture83 (I. Phase) Past
residential stay

June 2nd till June 18th 2010
Lonely house Chodska Lhota-Na Steflich (CZ)

AIR 2010_culture83 is a residential stay where five artists come each one with individual project. Organizer covers stuff and accommodation expenses. The artist pays only his own living expenses including food (except breakfests) and transportation. Food contribution makes 7 €/day. The organizer have a right to choose half of work made in the frame of the residency for Sam83 gallery archive.

There is prepared a flexible programme to personal projects: gallery and studio of local artists visitation, possibility to use a ceramic studio for smaller work, vernissage of 4 WINDOWS project and other.

CV structured and project descripiton (max. 200 words) send by e-mail info@culture83.org

Deadline April 30th 2010.

AIR 2010_culture83 (II. Phase) Past
residential stay

June 21st till June 26th 2010
Lonely house near by Chodska Lhota-Na Steflich (CZ)

AIR 2010_culture83 is a partly defrayable residential stay for artists, who will be chosen via their projects. The artist pays only transportation and part his own living expenses including food and accommodation which makes 14 €/day. Other expenses covers culture83 organisation. In the case of fully promoted form of residency the artist pays only food contribution 7€/day and the organizer have a right to choose half of work made in the frame of the residency for Sam83 gallery archive. You should to talk about this form of residency with the organizer in advance.

CV structured and project description (max. 200 words) send by e-mail info@culture83.org

Deadline May 14th 2010.


Residents: Jiří Valoch, Veronika Dolanská, Michaela Kokošková and more.

culture83 project

The culture83 project creates basis and background for cultural evolution in the sense of natural human activity reactive to current statement of society contingent on historical development. There is a theoreticaly-practical support in texts and documents available on www.vision83.org. The main document is A Vision For a New Culture and Its Place, which includes the basic idea to create the appropriate socio-cultural conditions for the automated, natural transmission of information, thus permanently securing a compact development of social culture without artificial frameworks.

The project culture83 comprises activity of Sam83 Gallery, residantial stays for artists and art theorists and research for A Vision For a New Culture and Its Place.

Culture83 arrised from need to struct a wide industry (merged since 1993 with the house Česká Bříza 83 subsequently since 2006 with Sam83 Gallery) and to provide an easier communication with the  public. The culture83 is an open system continuously envolved, which generate a professional discussion background with an intention to analyse from multiview comming up conditions.

There is possible on the websites to download an aplicattion form to residential stay, to register to mailing list of Sam83 Gallery, to contact organisers of project.